
巴基斯坦进出口数据 (最新进出口数据已更新至2024-12-15)

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报告目录: 贸易数据



日期 采购商 供应商 商品描述 数量 总金额(USD) 详情
2024-12-15 elite manufacturing inc. fenan aluminum co.ltd. 2) plastic profile 57 pkgs total 1200 kgs china or... 7,259.817 >
2024-12-15 new mustafa textile mills changshu dingdingsheng knitted cn 1 ) " polyester knitted pile furnishing fabric for... 8,584.242 >
2024-12-15 waheed trading yiwu jiayuan imports exp co.ltd. 1. textile strip fitted with beaded. net wt: 5000 ... 6,131.602 >
2024-12-15 waheed trading yiwu jiayuan imports exp co.ltd. 2. glass chatton size upto 0/12. net wt: 8140 kgs ... 11,978.699 >
2024-12-15 imtiaz group (smc-private) limited honeywell foodstuff trading co llc description: almond shelled (without shell cover) ... 65,668.28 >
2024-12-15 khunjerab sinopak corridor trading company (private) limited tangshan tangly supply chain old and used dozer with accessories 3700 kg 5,293.615 >
2024-12-15 waheed trading yiwu jiayuan imports exp co.ltd. 3. hot fix tape/glue roll. net wt: 3247 kgs approx... 10,753.604 >
2024-12-15 khunjerab sinopak corridor trading company (private) limited tangshan tangly supply chain iron pipe item not found 1.021 >
2024-12-15 khunjerab sinopak corridor trading company (private) limited tangshan tangly supply chain 3 rerollable iron scarp 24000 kg 12,123.405 >
2024-12-15 aahil enterprises wiqo s p a catalogue /advertisiing material qty: 38 kgs gross... 155.334 >
2024-12-15 aahil enterprises wiqo s p a catalogue /advertisiing material qty: 37 kgs gross... 151.246 >
2024-12-15 aahil enterprises wiqo s p a (1) (i) ultra-light icp compact creame 300 pcs x 1... 80.834 >
2024-12-15 aahil enterprises wiqo s p a cosmetics/adv material (1) (i) nourishing and mois... 91.871 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. pressure plate 3 pcs vr no.1403 s.no.2 79.098 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. cam shaft 10 pc vr no.1470 s.no.2 306.579 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. steel bush 65 sets vr no.1400 s.no.5 39.856 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. thrust collar 6 sets vr no.1400 s.no.5 4.904 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. c/r bush 25 sets vr no.1400 s.no.5 12.774 >
2024-12-15 s s enterprises huatai auto parts industries nanping co.ltd. exhaust packing 105 sets vr no.1400 s.no.5 32.191 >
2024-12-15 shafaqat hussain nikkyo co.ltd. one unit used daihatsu rocky chassis no: a200s-001... 2,773.978 >

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